Can't detect my home wifi it detects others

Khalidi - Oct 26, 2011 at 06:07 PM
 Anonymous User - Oct 28, 2011 at 01:47 AM
Hey everyone , I'm having a really strange problem with my laptop , I was using it normally on my home wifi , shut it down , then when I start it up it can't detect my home wifi it detects others but not mine , then I tried to turn off the wifi adapter and on again but nothing happened , uninstalled the driver and then installed it again but nothing is changed I tried the wifi on my other laptop and worked normally , I made a battery pull then start it up and bios setting message appeared but booted normally and on my desktop the whole notification area icons are gone and same problem exists . What should I doooo ????? Help please ....

1 response

Anonymous User
Oct 28, 2011 at 01:47 AM
Did you check in

safemode with networking?

Create a new user account and see if your wifi gets detected