64 Bit Vista OS not utilizing 4 GB ram

jaggu - Aug 1, 2009 at 01:36 PM
 neuzele - Nov 15, 2009 at 04:30 AM

My laptop (Dell Studio 1737 - 4 GB RAM, Vista Ultimate SP1-64 bit, AIT Mobility Radeon 3650 HD) with 4GB ram. I recently upgraded my OS to 64 Bit Vista to take the full power of 4 GB ram. It seem to be the OS is not really taking any advantage of 4 GB ram. My system properties show me 4 GB Installed & 2.18 GB Available. Can somebody please help me what went wrong?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 2, 2009 at 07:12 AM
Hello Sir,

There's nothing wrong here

this is normal Vista 64 bit requires 1.5 GB of ram,

It's better to install a fresh Vista 64 bit rather than upgrading

So format everything and re-install It

I have the same problem and i am on a fresh x64 i have 4Gb of ram and schows only 3328MB, Please help.