How can I change the opareting system languag

Anonymous User - Jun 16, 2008 at 05:42 AM
 j. - Oct 10, 2012 at 12:21 PM
How can I change the opareting system language of HP Pavilion dv2000
Please help me


26 responses

This is for xp computers:

1. click on start - it must be at the bottom left corner of the screen
2. click on the writing next to the image of a paper with a tick on it and a pen (control panel)
3. click on the icon that shows the earth and a calendar (date, time, language and regional options)
4. click on the writing next to the image of a globe (it should open up a new window)
5. change all the language options to the language of your choice or sometimes you have to put the country that speaks that language
6. change tabs and do the same
7. click on the first box at the very bottom of that window (ok)
8. close all the windows by pressing the "x" on the top right corner of the window
9. click on start
10. click on the red "switch" icon (it should ask you what to do)
11. click on the green icon (restart - should turn off and turn back on)
12. check if it's the language of your choice (if not, I'm sorry!)
window change language
Thank you very much... it's working...
This is also working with vista.

Thanks ...IT worked properly...

thanks yarr!!!!!!!!!
thanks it worked!!!
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