How to change editing language: Microsoft Word

How to change editing language: Microsoft Word

You may find it helpful to change the editing language in Microsoft Word. Here we explain how to do that in a few simple steps.

How to add a new editing language?

  • Open Word.
  • Select File > Options > Language.
  • On the Set the Office Language Preferences, under Office authoring languages and proofing, select Add a Language....
  • Choose the desired language in the Add an authoring language dialog
  • Select Add and a browser page will open where you can download the installation file.
  • On the browser page, select Download and run the downloaded pack to complete the installation.
  • The added language appears in the list of Office authoring languages.

How to change the editing language?

  • Open Word.
  • Select File > Options > Language.
  • Under Set the Office Language Preferences, under Office authoring languages and proofing, choose the language you want from the list and then select Set as Preferred.
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