Customise your columns on TweetDeck

Customise your columns on TweetDeck

Here's a simple trick on how to customise the various columns of Tweetdeck and improve your workflow. You can choose which columns you want to display, adjust their size, change their arrangement and more!

How to remove a column on TweetDeck?

To remove a column from TweetDeck's interface:

  • Select the column and click on the menu button.

  • Click on Remove.

NB: You can change the position of the column by clicking on the < or > button.

How to add a new column on Tweetdeck?

To add a new column to TweetDeck's interface:

  • Click on the + button > Add column.
  • Choose the column type and click on Add:
add a column tweetdeck
© Tweetdeck

How to customise your columns on TweetDeck

To customize the fonts size, them, column size...etc

  • Click on the Cog icon > Settings.

  • Go to the General section and configure your settings:
customize columns tweetdeck
© Tweetdeck
  • Click on Done.
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