Add people on Messenger: from Facebook, phone number

Add people on Messenger: from Facebook, phone number

Facebook Messenger is a very robust application that allows you to chat with all of your Facebook friends and even contact people who may not be active on the social network. There are several ways that you can add people to your contact list, and this article will walk you through each of them.

How to add contacts on Facebook Messenger from Facebook?

facebook">Perhaps the most basic way to add contacts on Messenger is through Facebook, itself.

  • Log into Facebook via Messenger, and then do a search for new friends using the Search field.
  • Once a friend has been added, they will automatically be added to your Messenger contacts list.

Note: You can send messages to people who don't have the Messenger app but have Facebook accounts, however, they'll see your messages or calls only when they log into Facebook or

How to add contacts on Messenger with a phone number?

  • Another method that you can use is to add a contact by their phone number.
  • To do this, sign in to Facebook Messenger and select the People tab. 
  • Tap Upload Contacts and wait until your contacts are uploaded.
add contact facebook
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  • If the user is not yet active on Facebook Messenger, tap Invite them to join to send a chat invitation.

How to add contacts on Messenger from your phone?

  • Another way to add contacts to Messenger is to sync the application with your phone.
  • Launch Messenger, select the Chats tab, and click your profile picture.
  • Select Phone contacts > Upload contacts. Then, turn this setting on and wait for a couple of seconds.

How to remove imported contacts from Messenger?

  • Sign in to Facebook from your computer.
  • Go to the Contact Management page and click Delete All Contacts.
​​​​​​​Do you need more help with Facebook Messenger? Check out our forum!
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